February 7, 2025

BME starts at East Kameng

TAP | Updated: March 22, 2017

SEPPA, Mar 22: The formal exercise of biometric enrolment (BME) for Aadhaar Card of entire district resumed again on Wednesday here with the enrolment of East Kameng DC Rajeev Takuk.

To ease out the exercise the district has been divided and demarcated into various blocks and accordingly, date and venue have been allotted to each block. Enrolment of individuals falling under the particular block or area will be done on the specific date and centre allotted to the block.

It is reported that due to paucity of requisite fund and manpower, out of total twenty two centers the exercise could be started for the time being at eight centers only, namely DC Office, Seppa, DDSE Office, Seppa, EAC Office, Bana, DRDA Office, Seppa, CO Circle, Gyawepurang, and ADC Offices Bameng, Chayangtajo and Seijosa. However, it is also reported that the remaining centres for BME will be made functional in later stages as per the situation necessitated.    

Meanwhile, the DC has made an appeal to the people of the district to come and enroll themselves on the scheduled date and venue.

Further, he has requested the people to come and visit the District Statistics Office, Seppa (Nodal Office for registration of NPR and Biometric enrolment) for complete information and disseminate the message to other so that no one is left behind in this exercise. DIPRO
